Tucing Buncit Says....

Monday, June 27, 2005

My Idol

This is probably the most unimportant, insignificant, zero-underlying-message entry ever. But, what the heck.

I don’t know why, but lately I seem to be running into Jaclyn Victor everywhere. Who the heck is Jaclyn Victor, you ask?

Well, you know, she’s the lass who won the Malaysian Idol competition last year, making her the first ever Malaysian Idol.

I personally think she was great, heck, I think there really was NO competition. But that’s a whole ‘nother matter. Let’s get back to me here.

What I’m trying to say here is, WHY do I keep running into her lately?

The first time, I was having my salad for dinner at the Kinokuniya bookstore café, when she came in with her Mat-Saleh boyfriend and her posse. It was almost closing time, so there were only us there at that time, and we were seated facing each other (well, kinda).

*Oh yes, there was another lady a few tables away, but who cares?*

And that was Tuesday.

Then on Friday, I was in One Utama trying to score tickets at the new GSC. After buying the tix for “Hitchiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” (funny movie, IF you can understand & appreciate SPASTIC & STUPID, BRITISH jokes in BRITISH ENGLISH), we headed for dinner.

We reached the escalator at the same time as this other couple. Being courteous, we let them go first. And when the girl turned around, guess who? Yep, it’s HER. There she was, right in front of me, with her white beau.

Is this a sign? What could it mean?

Perhaps I should’ve tried out for Malaysian Idol this year. Maybe I’d win!

*Or perhaps, I’m making a big deal out of nothing because as usual, I’d get over-excited over small things, and being one who rarely spots (let alone hangs out with) celebs, I thought it was a huge deal!*

OoooOOoohh.. AaaAAaaahhHHh… *Starstruck*

Oh well.

Posted by ADLIZA HIZAN :: 11:38 AM :: |